The new strategy strongly steered us forward during 2023. At the core of our strategy are major global changes, such as urbanisation, repair backlog, digitalisation, climate change and security. These major changes will shape societies and decision-making in the long term, and they were also visible in Sitowise's everyday actions in 2023.
Sitowise's year 2023 with CEO Heikki Haasmaa:
Sitowise's reporting entity for 2023 consists of four parts:
Annual and sustainability report – Here you will find information about Sitowise’s most important events and highlights, how we are proceeding toward our sustainability goals, and for example, a comprehensive description of our personnel in numerical form.
Board of Directors Report & Financial Statements –The financial statements will show you a comprehensive picture of Sitowise's financial position and the revenue of fiscal year 2023. The Board of Directors Report includes concise summary of the most relevant events of the financial period and its aftermath. You can find the financial statements in European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) format here.
Remuneration Report – Information on the Board's and CEO’s remuneration, as well as a description of the principles and goals of Sitowise's remuneration policy. The remuneration policy updated in 2023 can be found here.
Corporate Governance Statement – Familiarize yourself with Sitowise’s corporate governance, as well as the principles that guide the operations of the group's board and management.