Welcome to read Sitowise's Annual Report 2020. It consists of five sections: Sitowise's Direction, Year 2020, Sustainability, Financial Review and Governance. The Annual Report includes strategy review and key events in 2020, sustainability report, financial statements and report by the board of directors for reporting period 1 January to 31 December 2020. 

Sitowise's year 2020

Annual report key figures
We acquired three companies in 2020, expanding our operations both geographically and in terms of service offering in Sweden and supplementing our IT and fire protection engineering expertise in Finland. The number of personnel grew 9% and at year-end there were already over 1,900 Sitowise experts.

Suojatie osaamiskuva Sitowise

CEO Pekka Eloholma:

At Sitowise sustainability is present in everything we do

Sitowise’s vision, the most responsible partner in developing a prosperous living environment, has become increasingly important this year. The covid-19 pandemic made the year historical and affected our lives everywhere, both at home and at work.

As we look back, we can be glad that we succeeded in adapting to a swift change. Even though the we had to quickly enhance the remote work possibilities, our transition to home offices was successful and smooth, and we learned new ways of working quickly. At the same time, we maintained our excellent motivation in projects and customer work throughout the challenging year. 

The exceptional time has set new tones to our corporate responsibility thinking from the points of view of our personnel, customers, and projects.

In uncertain times, our strengths, the diversity of services and diversification of customer sectors have been proven. The significance of our knowhow to our clients and the insight of our experts developing society in general, lays down a foundation that is as necessary now, as well as in the future.

Pekka Eloholma

The most responsible partner

Sustainability is being smart. Our strategic vision of being the most sustainable partner in the industry drives the Group both internally and externally towards even higher sustainable thinking. The aim is for each Sitowise expert to recognize their own possibilities of contributing to sustainability, both in the projects they are part of and internally as part of the working community. Moreover, we want to encourage other industry parties towards sustainable development of the industry.

Sustainability is being smart. For us sustainability means making choices that are smart and sustainable for people and environment.

Our biggest sustainability impacts are associated with projects relating to the development of the built environment, both big and small. In the projects, we contribute to the healthiness and safety of environment, mitigation of climate change, and adapting to it. The solutions made have an enormous impact on people’s day-to-day lives, mobility, and carbon footprint.

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Sustainability tool for projects

We have created a sustainability tool unique within the industry to be used in our projects.
Annual report 2020 video image

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