Päijät-Hämeen Laitoshuoltopalvelut provides cleaning services in approximately 10 municipalities in the Lahti region. The company has developed its environmental responsibility by coaching its personnel and conceptualising its range of cleaning and cleaning equipment from an environmental perspective. At the beginning of 2024, Sitowise's CO2 Roadmap, a tool combining carbon footprint calculations and climate roadmaps, was introduced.
- Minimising our carbon footprint is part of our environmental programme, and we calculated our carbon footprint for the first time already in 2020. The matter was reactivated when applying for the EcoCompass environmental certificate, says Sini Manninen, Sustainability Manager at Päijät-Hämeen Laitoshuoltopalvelut.
Another important background factor was the target set by the company's major shareholder for 2024 to calculate the carbon footprint of all subsidiaries. Many SMEs start carbon footprint calculations because of the sustainability goals of a larger owner company or real estate investor.
We are learning more and more about carbon footprint calculations according to the GHG protocol, but now with the support of Sitowise's experts.
Sini Manninen, Päijät-Hämeen Laitoshuoltopalvelut
Sparring in carbon calculations gets off to a good start
The CO2 Roadmap immediately seemed like a suitable tool for Päijät-Hämeen Laitoshuoltopalvelut, as it scales flexibly according to the size and needs of the organization. Even more important was expert help included in the tool.
- We are learning more and more about carbon footprint calculations according to the GHG protocol, but now with the support of Sitowise's experts.
We invest in user-friendliness, but joint sparring moments with the customer are absolutely important. They help to share good practices that help the customer get off to a good start in calculations.
Jonas Aaltio, Sitowise
According to Jonas Aaltio, Product Manager at CO2 Roadmap, the customer should not be left alone with the new climate tool. Sitowise's environmental experts assist the environmental team of Päijät-Hämeen Laitoshuoltopalvelut , for example, in defining calculation limits and selecting emission factors.
– We invest in user-friendliness, but joint sparring moments with the customer are absolutely important. They help to share good practices that help the customer get off to a good start in calculations. At the same time, we increase understanding on both sides. After all, carbon calculation always involves customer- and industry-specific issues.
Reliable information on major sources of emissions
The carbon footprint calculation of plant maintenance services takes into account our own emissions (Scope 1 and 2) as well as one part of the Scope 3 emissions related to supply chains.
- Based on the first carbon footprint calculation, we knew that one of our biggest sources of emissions is driving from one work site to another during the working day. That is why we included the personnel's own car commutes in the calculation, says Manninen. Transport services offered to customers are also a significant source of emissions, even though they are low in volume.
According to Manninen, the CO2 Roadmap contains a huge amount of reliable information, such as ready-made emission factor and climate action databases. - In assessing the largest emission sources, it helped a lot that the tool clearly shows what our emissions consist of and where measures should be targeted.
A positive observation was the environmentally conscious energy use of the head office. – Our office is zero-emission in both electrical and thermal energy! Manninen says happily.
Towards a concrete roadmap in climate management
One of Manninen's greatest insights has been that climate management should focus on developing one's own operations and not just comparing results with other companies.
- Emissions calculations can include different things, so we should focus on those that we can really influence and develop our own operations to be more environmentally responsible.
Next, the calculation data will be utilised in the climate roadmap implemented with the CO2 Roadmap and more extensively in the company's environmental work. Things have gone according to plan.
- During the autumn, we will start communicating the calculation results and our climate targets to both our own personnel and stakeholders, Manninen says.
She believes that there will be a need for Sitowise's expert assistance also in the future, even though the environmental team and management of Päijät-Hämeen Laitoshuoltopalvelut can also increase their expertise at the Climate Academy of the CO2 Roadmap itself.
- We're just getting started, and we're constantly coming up against new things. For example, in relation to EU regulation and the expectations of our owners, external sparring is needed.