All Sitowise services are now covered by the international ISO certification system. The certifications cover both the quality management (ISO 9001) and environmental (ISO 14001) systems.
ISO 9001 is the internationally best-known quality management standard, which promotes the continuous improvement of a company’s operations and aims to increase customer satisfaction. The certification shows our customers that the processes of our company meet international standards. The certification is also an indication that our organisation is systematically improving its operations.
ISO 14001, on the other hand, is the world's best-known reference framework for environmental systems, and it demonstrates our company's commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development. In practice, obtaining the certification has required, for example, that we identify the environmental impacts of our services and our own actions and take them into account in our operations.
The certifications cover all of our services: design and construction services, consulting services, IT services and construction project management.