Metsähallitus manages state-owned areas as well as a large road network. There are 36,000 km of own forest roads and an additional 28,000 km of private roads in which Metsähallitus is a shareholder. The road network also has more than 1000 bridges. The new system maintains information on forest roads and bridges and plans their construction and maintenance measures. The new system also includes information on hundreds of soil sites as well as material and aggregate storages. 

The goal is to have a high-quality information system that works not only in the office, but also in terrain conditions (mobile application). The productivity and cost-efficiency of road maintenance will improve when road maintenance measures can be planned, dimensioned and targeted more accurately with better information.

Comprehensive and up-to-date information on roads and their condition

The new system utilises the possibilities offered by modern technology to collect and produce information on roads and their condition. 

- For example, image or video material taken by Metsähallitus personnel and our contractors can be utilised in the new system when determining road maintenance needs, says Project Manager Kari Louhisalmi from Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd.

The great advantage of the system is that it allows road maintenance measures to be planned by the road maintenance entrepreneur or by Metsähallitus itself. 

- Information about the measures will be transmitted electronically to road maintenance entrepreneurs for implementation. Up-to-date information on roads and their condition as well as road measures will also better serve the ERP of timber harvesting and transport, says Louhisalmi. 

Sitowise has also delivered the Routa service for road maintenance ERP

Metsähallitus is already using the Routa service built by Sitowise for electronic ERP of road maintenance measures. Through the service, road construction and maintenance measures are forwarded to entrepreneurs and up-to-date status information on the implementation of the measures is obtained. With the new planning system, the road system, road construction and maintenance work can be better managed from planning to implementation.

- Metsähallitus is a long-term customer and we have built several information systems together. It is great to be able to continue and expand our cooperation with Metsähallitus' road network, says Hanna Visuri, Project Manager at Sitowise.

- We see significant synergies and long-term benefits in the parallel use and development of Routa and the new road system. With the new system, the situational picture of maintenance will be supplemented with basic and condition data from the road network.

- Sitowise is Finland's leading provider of ICT solutions related to roads and traffic, and this delivery further strengthens our position as a supplier of these services, says Head of Sales Jani Heikkilä from Sitowise.

The procurement of the Metsähallitus roads system was carried out through a competitive negotiation procedure. The procurement decision was completed at the end of June 2024 and was based on the most economically advantageous tender in terms of price and quality. The total value of the acquisition is approximately EUR 2 million.


Hannu Lehtonen, Director of Forest Use and Planning, Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd, tel. +358 40 583 6983

Kari Louhisalmi, Project Manager, Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd, tel. +358 400 289 168

Pirjo Korhonen, Project Manager, Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd, tel.  +358 400 199 153

Jani Heikkilä, Head of Sales Digital Products and SaaS, Sitowise Oy, tel. +358 406 828 821

Hanna Visuri, Project Manager, Sitowise Oy, tel. +358 414 331 943