The City of Porvoo is rethinking the character of Läntinen Mannerheiminväylä, the main artery leading into the center of Porvoo. The plan is to transform this entry corridor, now dominated by roads and parking lots, into a boulevard (Porvoon Puistokatu). The aim is to extend the urban structure of the city center along the new boulevard and to create high quality urban environment.
The new design aims to bring bicyclists and pedestrians to an equal footing with cars, and to create a strong and recognizable local identity. Buildings and parks take turns in the streetscape, creating a series of urban places and providing varying views to the existing city, making the new entry to Porvoo memorable.
- Description:Porvoo Puistokatu boulevard
- Customer:City of Porvoo
- Location:Porvoo
- Year of completion:2019