We are a Nordic expert in the built environment with a strong focus on digitality.

Smart cities, smooth travelling and spaces for living where daily life finds a durable foundation and making sustainable choices is easy. That is what we at Sitowise do. We bust our guts in the background so that transport, infrastructure and different buildings could offer the best possible settings for safe and carefree daily life. A regular city-dweller probably won’t even notice our hand in things–until it’s missing.

Our company is formed by world-class experts that make your daily life smooth. When our team of engineers, developers and other top talents join forces, they create fresh, even unforeseen and brave solutions to tackle our clients’ challenges.

Our Nordic heritage can be seen in our love for pure nature and strong will to do the right thing. That is also the source of our ambitious goals that set the tone for everything we do: we want to make the world a fairer and more functional place. For this, we harness smart solutions. Everything we do leans strongly on digitality and the unprejudiced application of state-of-the-art technologies.

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However, for us, smart doesn’t mean just ones and zeros. It’s the ability to encounter and listen, gain insights and dare to do things differently. To operate efficiently and sustainability while preserving resources, for the good of our common environment.

We look at the world through the eyes of someone who is always looking for answers, and we can tell from miles away which direction leads to smoother life now and even after decades have passed. We understand people’s daily grievances, which is why we solve many of them already during our design process. Because our job is to create everyday spaces that look like their users, where everything just works.


Fact box

Revenue: 204 million (2022)
Employees: over 2,200
Group CEO: Heikki Haasmaa
Head Office: Espoo, Finland
Business areas: Buildings, Infrastructure and Digital Solutions
Customer Satisfaction (NPS score): 36 (2021)
Employee Satisfaction (eNPS score): 30 (2022)

Value bravery
We are brave
Value opennes
We are open
Value trust
We trust each other
Value team play
We work as one team
Value client knowledge
We know our clients