Pekka Eloholma has earlier led e.g. Affecto, a Nordic listed company, and Nebula, an IT services provider. He has held different positions at Sitowise for the past two years, and has been involved with the company during its strong growth phase. Sitowise is growing locally in new market areas and developing more extensive and digital services alongside the traditional building and infrastructure planning and engineering side of its business.
Sitowise is extremely well positioned to become a major built environment expert in the Nordic countries. The company is teeming with great enthusiasm and energy, and it is my privilege to lead and support a team of truly committed top experts. The company has long traditions, but at the same time, its culture and opera-tion are characterized by the agility of a challenger company, which we want to nurture during the next phase of the company’s growth,
Pekka Eloholma says.
Sitowise began its operation in the beginning of 2018, and the company has expanded rapidly through acquisitions. In the spring of 2019, the company took a leap forward in Sweden when the planning and consultancy company Byggnadstekniska Byrån Sverige AB joined the Sitowise Group. The Group currently has more than 1,700 employees.
“Sitowise as a company has rapidly ascended into a whole new category in terms of size. The company is implementing several strategic projects relating to, for example, digitalization, competence development and sustainability in order to make Sitowise the best working environment for both young and more experienced professionals who are keen to positively impact our shared built environment. We believe that Pekka is very well placed to pilot this growth company forward as it keeps developing in a rapidly changing environment”, says Tomi Terho, the Acting Chairman of Sitowise’s Board of Directors.
During the first half of 2019, an extensive external recruitment process for the positions of the CEO was conducted under the leadership of the Board of Directors and supported by external recruitment consultants.
“The Board carefully evaluated the available external options and, after a long process, decided to offer the position to Pekka. We are very pleased that he chose to accept the challenge and make such a strong commitment to the company. Pekka is a true team player and will bring change management experience with him in a positive way to the company,” Terho continues.
In connection with the appointment, Eloholma will resign from Sitowise's Board of Directors. The company will initiate a process to appoint his successor. Eloholma will also discontinue all Chairman of the Board duties he currently holds in other companies in order to concentrate on leading Sitowise.
The responsibilities of the company’s deputy CEO are carried out by Jannis Mikkola and Timo Palonkoski. In addition, the company has strengthened its Board of Directors during the summer by appointing M.Sc. (Econ.) Taina Kyllönen and M.Sc. (Tech.) Petri Rignell to the Board. Kyllönen is the Director of Communications at the University of Helsinki, and has previously worked for e.g. SSAB, a Nordic steel company, as a part of its Executive Committee. Rignell has held various management and board positions in the real estate and construction business.
More information:
Tomi Terho
Sitowise, Acting Chairman of the Board of Directors
tel. +358 400 811 027