At Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd (XHEL):

Date 12 May 2022
Exchange transaction Buy
Share trading code SITOWS
Amount, shares 1,150
Average price/share, EUR 5.9267
Total cost, EUR 6,815.71

The company now holds a total of 232,712 of its own shares (SITOWS) including the shares acquired on 12 May 2022.

Detailed information concerning the acquisition is attached to this stock exchange release.

On behalf of Sitowise Group Plc


Jonathan Nyberg              Antti Väliaho

Additional information

Heidi Karlsson, CFO,, tel. +358 40 759 3320


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Major media

About Sitowise

Sitowise is a Nordic specialist and digital expert in the built environment. We offer design and consulting services for smarter and more sustainable urban development as well as smooth transportation. We operate in three business areas in Finland and Sweden: real estate and buildings, infrastructure, and digital solutions.

We want to raise the bar of being smart and sustainable, which is why our vision is to be the most responsible partner in developing a prosperous living environment. Sitowise has grown rapidly and profitably in the past years. The group’s net sales were EUR 179 million in 2021 and the company employs over 2,000 experts. Sitowise Group Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki as SITOWS.

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